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Thursday, September 26, 2013

I am back...

After a bit of a hiatus from blogging, here I am... at it again.

I've been keeping myself busy, but sometimes I catch myself doing nothing at all... simply being at rest in the new abode that I have enjoyed decorating with help from my friends and parents.
Speaking of abodes, I had the honor of having my artwork featured in a family's newly decorated craft room in Ellisville, MO. That was so exciting to see!
My 'day job' is back in full swing, but it honestly never takes me far from Photography since the bulk of my day is spent sharing that art with students.  
Yet, beyond the 'day job' and the new abode, I am still always out walking, looking, and making images. I have finally started healing from my foot surgery to the point I can get out and be in the places I love. One such place is Port Hudson State Fishing Lake out past my house.
I also finally made it back to my favorite State Park in Missouri: Hawn. It is near where my Aunt Donna lives so we were able to do a little day hike and enjoy Pickle Springs one afternoon in September with my daughter along for the ride (and cameras in tow as always).
My favorite season is coming up, FALL! Be ready for tons of images and more blog posts for sure! 

Remember to like my facebook page and visit my website, too. 

All images and words are by MK Designs. September 2013. Please do not "steal" or "borrow" images without permission. Thank you!