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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Dallas: Dreams Come True!

I am a total nerd for Dallas.
Not the football team.
Not the city per say.
More like... the TV SHOW!
TV now isn't what it used to be. I grew up in the age of two to three stations that came in, four if it stormed.  The big networks had our full attention.  Friday night was a BIG tv night because that meant Dallas was on. 

I wanted to be a redhead (aka "ginger" these days) like Victoria Principal. I wanted a ranch. I wanted access to a helicopter pad. I wanted a never-ending tree-lined paved driveway. I wanted to throw someone into the pool. Let's be honest, I wanted to live at Southfork. 

So, as I approach the 42nd year of my life, a buddy of mine kept mentioning I should come see him and his new abode in Texas. As that started to come to fruition, I tossed it out there - I have to go to Southfork. It's only about 30 minutes from his house, so why not?

In October on a Saturday afternoon, my dream came true and I got to spend several hours losing my mind at Southfork Ranch outside of Dallas, Texas. Travis was such a trooper. He's about 10 years younger than me, and not a fan of the show, but he really seemed to appreciate the ranch and my pure joy. 

People talk about "bucket lists" all the time. I used to think it was a great idea, but now I don't. I think we just have to constantly take advantage of opportunities to make our dreams a reality. 

Even if that dream is as simple as walking around a ranch that a popular tv show was filmed at; do it! Don't wait. Make things happen and keep chasing after those great moments. It's so worth it. 

If you like any of these images (even the one of Travis! ha!), feel free to contact me to order a print. 

Until next time, 
~ M of MK Designs Photography
Fall 2015 

PS New link to my website! is up!