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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Southern Illinois Bound (Part Three) Last Day

After I packed up camp and had a little yogurt breakfast in Carbondale... I took my camera, hiking shoes, and backpack to do a short trail at Giant City State Park. Just like Garden of the Gods, I was suprised at all the signs warning me of all the "danger" ahead.

The one-mile Giant City Nature Trail instantly warns all who enter it is "rugged" but I clearly didn't let that drive me away, neither did the trail runner who kept going back and forth - weaving in and out of the rock formations. I would have snapped his photo but I was always taken off guard by his speed and agility while running through Giant City! 

But... I did photograph the rock formations... the play of light on them... and even some of the grafitti people have left there over the years. 

It was a great (sweaty!) hike to celebrate the official start of summer in June and an excellent way to end the trip before having making lunch at the park and driving home...

If you want to go hike, photograph, camp or explore Giant City... here's their website:

I know I plan to go back there sometime and spend more time in this park. It's just beautiful!

For more information on my photography find me on facebook as always, or my website:

All words and images by Michelle of MK Designs. 2012. 

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