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Monday, September 8, 2014

The Mondays... and what is good for the soul

Today was indeed a "case of the Mondays" - there were so many moments, I kept thinking to myself I had to be on that old Candid Camera show... that at some point someone would step out and say this was a big joke.
However, that did NOT happen.




And, that's when it hit me, that I need to do more of what makes my soul happy. 

My Photo II students were doing a Photo Walk of 15 items. I went with them. 
Today I found 5 of the 15 on the photo walk list and am happy with the results. Plan to do the remaining 10 as we continue this journey. 
Yes, I am doing the assignment with them. It makes my soul happy. 
This got me to thinking of this "word art" I like about things that, in general, do the soul "good" - thought I'd share it today... especially if you have a "case of the Mondays" rockin! 

MK Designs Sept 2014

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