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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Time to Step Back and Evaluate

As I look at the 2015 calendar, I see July slipping by and August creeping in. It’s time for me to take a look back on my “Agenda” I set for 2015.

#1. Something I want to go for to help my career... DONE!

I am still so humbled and honored to be the MIPA Missouri Journalism Teacher of the Year 2015. It feels odd. I don't know where to put the plaque for that honor or the Taft Award I also received. For now they are safely wrapped on a shelf. 

...the #2 thing I want to go for to help my career...NOT DONE!

I am honestly contemplating if I want to attempt this again, but I have had several people say I need to. Time will tell if I go for it. I’ll need to decide soon since a deadline is slowly approaching. And, as you know, that word slowly really means QUICKLY. 

#3. Camp more.  WORK IN PROGRESS!

My daughter and I have camped 9 nights so far in 2015. 3 in Illinois, 2 in Missouri, and 4 in Wisconsin. I am pretty proud of us for making this happen. 
This also led me to take a serious look at the amount of camping gear I have. Do I really need 7 tents? No. I ordered a new one to try out this fall for us since Karlene is growing, but I also have sold or given away quite a few. I would like to end up with 2 tents. One for just myself, and one for when it is K and I on the road.

I won't even go into how many airmatresses and airpumps I have realized I have. Is CampGear Hoarding a possible problem? Hmmm?

#4. Hike more. PITIFUL. Needs serious work. I am a bum these days.
If it means anything, I did go on little walks while in Yellowstone National Park at the start of the month. For the one that led to the stream above, I sang a "Please Don't Scare the Bear" song I made up loudly as I strolled. The bear signs all over kinda had me on edge. I am not bear food. I am sure that I certainly would leave a bad taste in their mouths!

#5. Help my daughter (the K of MK Designs) take more ownership of her school work and education, yet continue to help her grow her love of the Lord and others, hopefully continue to grow more empathy, and more compassion... WORK IN PROGRESS! 

Daily devotionals, planning for Operation Christmas Child, seeing God's Creation, and more things...are hopefully helping her become an independent person who has empathy and compassion. She certainly has a sense of humor, as seen in this image from Illinois in mid-July. 
#6. Get my financial house and my actual house in better working order. DECK and whatnot! (which also includes getting my lower level rented again) COMING ALONG NICELY WHEN I VIEW THE BIG PICTURE!

New renter on board for August, deck redone minus staining (it’s been too rainy), some money back in savings (not nearly enough, but some to help replenish the deck expense), and finally got two new ceiling fans installed on our main level. 

Next step this fall: light updates/replacements on the lower level. I love these lights. Lowes is a dangerous place for the pocketbook and bank accounts! 
#7. Continue to grow my relationship with Jesus Christ and try to practice more of His teachings in how I love others. CONSTANT WORK IN PROGRESS. 
However, the end of July started a big “test” for me. I decided WWJD isn’t just a motto for a t-shirt, but that if I see one of my fellow humans is suffering, alone, in need – I have to try to do something to help. As one of my favorite sayings goes: “I am one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something." 
I have to add, that the cell phone shot above is a moment I felt very close to God in early July. The first time I have ever seen the Grand Teton range in my life in person... and that is what He had to show me. God is good. 

#8. Continue to spend more time with my Grandma in 2015. BETTER THAN 2014, but I STILL HAVE ROOM TO GROW! 

#9. Try to continue to grow clients for my MK Designs Photography / Fine Art and Portrait work. FRUSTRATING PROCESS, BUT STILL WORKING AT IT.
I have had the honor of getting into some art shows this summer in Soulard and St. Charles. I also was able to sell some work to a client who has remodeled her home with a lovely addition. 

Also, I had a recent image used by the National Forest Foundation. How cool is it that my daughter's hand is famous!? We found that little guy in the Shawnee National forest while camping this June. See, it pays to camp! (Well, maybe not financially - but you know what I mean!) 

#10. Be the best mom, teacher, daughter, friend, etc. I can possibly be. I HAVE MY DAYS. 

I hate it when I am crabby, or "down" - so I do try to stay "up" as much as possible. Especially for this face:
#11. GET ME A BEDROOM SET! BAM! Had a kicking bedroom set in 2009, that along with the bed "left the premises" that year. While I did replace the bed in 2010, I never got a bedroom set. I have one in my garage now courtesy of my aunt Shirley. HEADBOARD DONE & INSTALLED – THE REST, I HAVE ON HOLD SINCE IT’S SO HOT OUT NOW IN THE GARAGE. 

On that note, it is super hot today and we haven't had a proper creek day all summer. I got sammiches to make, coolers to pack, etc. 

If you know me or my work at all, you know I live for a good creek day. Maybe we'll be able to fit in two creeks today? Hmmm? :-)

Until next time, 
M of MK Designs
July 2015. 

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