Must admit the "energy" of my 20's is long gone. 40 is a bit of a sucker punch! Now that my "day job" is rolling, I feel so tired... so some stuff (like this blog) have been a bit neglected.
Today I got up and the first "view" of the day was figuring out what three images I wanted to submit to Soulard Art Market for consideration into their next juried show... "Nourish" which is art inspired by poetry.
These are my three, based on three very different poems.
"Solitude" - "The Sun Never Says" - "Sonnet 40" |
First off, it was lunch at Blue Duck. Slava admitted she hadn't ate there in about a week. I had to ask her if she was having symptoms of withdrawls (like an addict would) because she seems to be a Blue Duck addict. I have to admit, any time I have ate there - it has NOT been a let down! (The Blue Duck is located right off Front Street in Washington, Mo... great views and food!)
Then, it was off to St. Louis to see the International Photography Museum (Slava got us Groupon deals)... and then... we arrived to realize it is closed for Labor Day weekend. Since we already paid for parking, we decided to walk around the St. Louis University campus and check out a coffee shop that Slava loves.
Afterwards, we found ourselves driving around Forest Park in St. Louis. Since we actually found a parking spot, we decided to watch the clouds on Art Hill.
Here's the deal, the day didn't go "as planned" but that's ok.
I am very blessed to have met Slava, and formed a friendship with her.
What are the odds an awesome lady from Bulgaria would end up in the town I teach in and we'd end up striking up a friendship over the fact I really was envious of her skills with a camera? Yes, I was once jealous, but now I find that her photography and positive outlook on life inspires me.
I am also blessed to be one of those people that she will let her guard down with... because, believe it or not, as outgoing as she seems - she is (like me) not someone who lets just anyone "in" - at least that's my impression of her. :-)
I love our talks, because they never feel like idle chat or, as she says, talks about "shopping, kids, and houses..." We get to talk about our thoughts on many things, and without judgment. Which is awesome in this day and age... it seems more and more people are becoming less and less open in their thoughts.
This is my beautiful friend, Slava, in her "crazy cat lady" dress. I love it! Newsprint with all "cat headlines" and photos!
Oh, and, since the Photo Museum was closed for the holiday, we get to try this trip again later this fall; a blessing in disguise!
Thanks for stopping by, and have a wonderful "end of summer" - which reminds me, I am so close to having my summer blog challenge DONE, I need to wrap it up before it's WINTER!
MK Designs. August 2014.