I used to be always "ahead of the game" - I've had websites and blogs before other people did, but the "newness" wore off... and here I am starting over again, but a bit behind the game. Apparently, you have to blog if you are a photographer or artist of any sort these days! :) So, I blog again... and here it is - who is the girl behind the lens? I am not sure that is easy to answer, but I can say my life was radically re-defined with the birth of this child named Karlene. She's made me a better person in so many ways, and she's helped me re-discover one of my true loves: photography. But let's rewind, I feel I was born loving the feel of a camera in my hand. I remember winning one somehow in elementary school, a little Kodak with 110 film... I remember (before that) admiring my mom's Kodak Instamatic (with the flash cube!) and a Poloroid that was at my grandparent's house that my aunts would use... speaking of my aunts... they both had cameras when they were on Yearbook Staff at school and I remember WANTING one so badly... Fast forward from those early days to the first time I held a 35mm in my hand in high school. Rolling and unrolling film blindfolded or in total dark to practice. Basically teaching myself through a series of trial and error as the Yearbook Photographer. College was a rude awakening. Suddenly, there were rules and teachers and tried & true methods I'd never learned, but somehow along the way I figured it out and minored in Photography at the University of Central Missouri. In recent years, I have found myself so happy to now teach Photography and share my love of it with my students... and now I am sharing it with you. Thanks for reading... until next time! :)
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