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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Summer 2014 Blogger Challenge #16: Home


Here are a few images to sum that topic up for the "blogger challenge" but like many topics on this list I could say so much more. 

Home is more than a place, but I do think the place matters. 

Home is who you are with, what you surround yourself with (not just objects but inspiration and the vibe once you open the door).

Home can be a bit cluttered and "lived-in" but for my purposes can't be totally trashed or I cannot relax. It puts me on edge and will send my allergies into a rage.

Home is knowing you can just kick back and relax... in your bedroom, shower, couch, yard, garden... 

I am sure you get the picture! 

I do not "have" the above images MK done, but I think this would be awesome to create! I love succulents!

MK Designs Photography / Fine Art and Portrait. July 2013. Thank you for visiting!  


  1. I've been thinking about getting some succulents, too. Maybe a pot of hens and chicks :)

    1. I just have to make sure it's not a plant my girls (cats) will bug - like my bamboo I have high on a wall floating shelf in a room I tend to keep shut. :) I do love succulents & think they are fun
